Chelsea Lewinski + Grow Love + The Designosaur

Location: 3550 Frontier St (South facing retaining wall along Pearl Street)

This collaborative mural is inspired by and features Greta Thunberg 16 year old climate and environmental activist with Asperger’s.  And the phrase “The eyes of all future generations are upon you” is from her recent UN speech.

The Designosaur’s portion of the mural explores women's gender roles and beauty standards, and how limiting they can be. On the right, the "classic" beauty is shown in black and white with no room for self expression, with downturned eyes and golden tears - highlighting the cruel fact that women are expected to be beautiful even in despair. Black & purple roses continue in a bleak form of beauty with golden thorns interwoven - eye-catching but painful. On the left side of the piece, we see a woman in vibrant colors and shining metallics looking hopefully towards a burst of light, alive with possibility and an unfolding universe - unrestricted by the roles imposed by society and contemplating limitless potential. Looking to a hopeful future ties in with the rest of the piece by Robyn and Chelsea, which focuses on the eyes of future generations looking to us to act on climate change.